Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Thoughts On The Current State of Neurobiology at Stanford University

The current state of neurobiology and my response to this knitting drivel.

It is my understanding that this man is a professor at Standford University. We're in trouble if that is the case?
Oh he also has a history of taking advatage of sexually abused women and then balming them for their reaction.
Thisi isi Acedmia.
Your understanding of the brain is one of the most antiquated and simplistic analogies I have ever experienced particularly from someone who assumes they are knowledgeable enough about the subject to put pen to paper. The analogy of a knitted garment reminds me of the old mainframe computer technology when in fact data was stored by a series of crossing wires at points where magnetic washers or donuts were placed thus storing the 1s an 0s that make up computer data. the current theory on how the mind works much less the organic brain has advanced to at least replaced in analogy the known parts of a computer CPU, main memory and peripherals. using microchip technology rather than the knitted mainframe wiring
This cognitive theory of the mind rather than the brain is itself antiquated and in accurate in that the brain does not work as a computer processing one instruction or thought at a time thoughts which indeed hold a higher place in the mind than images and emotions and are believed falsely by the cognitivists to drive emotions. All of this is again falsely believed by psychiatry to be driven and controlled by organics the firing and sequence of firing of synapses releasing minute chemicals all of which have not as yet been determined let alone their effect on the human organism.

Therefore your piece is insulting to intelligence.

The more accurate model and hypothesis with the prevailing cognitive theory is that the mind works a s a series of constructs linked together in time, degree and intensity. To yous a computer analogy the mind works more like a relational database than like a cpu main memory and peripherals. .
There is no hierarchy in the constructs is thoughts don’t drive emotions in fact it is more often that the contrary is true emotions drive thoughts, images exist as constructs as well and thoughts as other constructs all of these are connected these constructs it is the constructs their capacities and their connections in time space and degree that give meaning to these mental formations. It is not a case where the organic function produces a thought which drives the synapses in a certain way, but the constructs the mental formations of the mind — the software — that drive the synapses the synapses merely reflect the actions of the mental formations made up of of constructs and their connections. This is the competing hypothesis that will one day override the cognitive theory which is on the way out as it tries to co-opt and adopt aspects of constructivism, but of course they cognitivist will find that constructivism does not fit into their cognitive box their way of looking at things inaccurately.
I really don’t get the point of your post other than to insult peoples intelligence and support a nonlocal version of how the mind works.

BTW even if you knitted analogy had some accuracy the organic brina immediately uses it’s excess capacity to initiate new paths so no ability in thought or intelligence or memory is lost as your torn knitted sweater analogy would imply.

I am loved by God;
I am made by God;
I am forgiven by God;
I am accepted by God unconditionally;
I am a child of God;
I am sustained by God;
I am important to God;
I am used by God;
I am enabled by God;
I am destined for God.
Copyright Fred Celio 2015

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