Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Home Bath House For Children

Home Bath House For Children

Home Bath House: For Children

Home Bath House: For Children

Nothing illustrates the evil nature of my childhood and my mother’s personal evil as the steam rooms she would set up for orgies with her own children.

She molested me from the ages of 2 and 9 in her bed and also in the tub. I was the first born and thus she bathed me alone. During these “baths” she would stimulate my penis to the point of pain.  Next my younger sister was added to these molest sessions in the tub. She being groomed as I was molested both of us in the tub with mom undressed.  Next, after my sister was groomed my mother molested me and had me molest my sister which amounted to tactile oral stimulation, after I was worked up tacitly by mom. All of the time suffering great physical and emotional pain, as well as, scrambling boundaries that were due to be forming at that stage of childhood development. My brother was born next and added to the bath house grooming procedure. Then my youngest sister was born and added to the tub. After her grooming the children’s bath house was complete. This is how we bathed. I faced my mother as she stimulated me, then I was made to stimulate my sister; and my brother would be stimulating my youngest sister. Always with mom calling us little whores, who were going to hell.

As I grew older I rebelled and did not want to be part of this ritual of being objectified by my mother, which is the way she loved us by objectifying and raping us and having us stimulate each other to satisfy her evil desires. I was always the last to join and had to be called to be part of this ritual of rape and abuse which aroused my mother. O these evenings. O those bath times. After EMDR today I realized that all bath times were like this bath house but not in San Francisco for gay men only for mom and her kids.

I was the last to come into the bath house, because I didn’t want to. At the age of 6, 7, 8, and 9 I felt I should be taking my own baths. It was time for me to develop autonomy, and control over my own body, which I never had. And I did not want to participate in the orgies that these bathhouse events always were.  

We had a one-bedroom house and mom would gather us all together for her evil pleasure.   I would protest but to no avail I had to comply.  I started out in the shower bath last. For those of you who don’t know a shower bath is the bath water rising the drain sealed but instead of the water running through the spout, it rained from the shower head. On to mom in front me second as the eldest child, Jemma third facing me as the eldest girl, Mark and then Gina facing each other. With all of us in the tub you can imagine that we started out rubbing together and generating our own steam for mom’s pleasure. 

Mom would titillate me first as I developed an early interest in her breasts (ages 6, 7, 8, and 9), she would “wash” me which amounted to rubbing me all over with soap with special attention to my nipples and penis. Thus excited I would then be required to turn to my sister and stimulate her rubbing nipples touching kissing touching her genitals and letting her give me oral sex.
I did not enjoy the home bath houses. I was groomed to endure them from the age of 2. Being first born I was alone with mother for a year. As she fondled my penis in the tub there was at the start little sexual pleasure and more pain than titillation. As the grooming continued and as I developed forming sexuality in my mind and body the moments of pleasure increased as the moments of physical pain decreased. My sexual rape and objectification by my mother in the home bath house continued until I was 9 years old and the pleasure/pain ratio never reached 50/50.  There was always more physical pain than pleasure. Added to the pleasure pain ratio that occurred that occurred on two developmental planes simultaneously, was that there was never any release for me. As my mother’s lust and excitement grew, based on her rape her tactile stimulation of my penis grew, my pain sense of being used and betrayed and objectification also grew. Since it was my mother spending tie with me and raping me these physical sensations and emotions my sexual objectification became associated with love and affections. That is, I was classically conditioned, starting at a preverbal phase of my development as a child, to associate over stimulation with no release, pain and sexual rape and objectification with love for me and affection for me.

I dealt with this cognitive dissonance b dissociating the memories emotions events and tactile feelings, while constructing the fantasy of a normal childhood around they few moments I was allowed on my own to play as other children, army, tinker toys, Legos, coloring. Although these were rare moments of childhood pleasure I constructed them into an illusion of continuous reality – a fantasy world with which to repress the dissonance between a real mother and the sexual predator who gave birth to me and my siblings.

I also cut myself off from my family including siblings. I never talked much with them or interacted at all and never expressed the love and affection I felt toward them.  This normal sibling affection was expressed in a distorted fashion during the bath house orgies. It was during these that I expressed my love and closeness.  The distortion and the continuous nature of the abuse, left me with nothing to express with regard to normal love and compassion and affection for my siblings. Deep within me where the unmolested compassionate child that is the real me, the me of me, the me that God created and that my perpetrators could not steal. This love still exists and is felt, if not expressed. 

Copyright Fred Celio 2016

Other Blogs by Fred Celio

Sunday, April 24, 2016

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Growing Up In An Incest Ring: Raped By My Parents (Part 2)

Growing Up In An Incest Ring: Raped By My Parents (Part 2)

Your SEO optimized title: Growing Up In An Incest Ring: Raped By My Parents (Part 2)

Growing Up In An Incest Ring: Raped By My Parents (Part 2)

Last time I wrote about memories unlocked from trauma therapy using EMDR, I went into some of the details of being molested in what I thought was one on one molestation by my mother. My father’s involvement was minimized

After sessions the last two weeks it has become apparent that my father was a full participant. He was involved as much as my mother in both my individual abuse, s well as the rape,  of my brothers and sisters.  

This is how it worked. Mom would pick me out of bed and begin the fondling, which is a polite word for tactile rape.    Children below the age of consent when stripped nude by nude sexually aroused adults are tactiley raped. That is childhood rape, and that is what my mother and father did to me between the ages of 2 and 9, as well as, to my younger brother and two younger sisters. Children blow the age consent, which is 16 in most states can’t give consent. We also have nether developed physically mentally to experience sexuality. Thus it is tactile rape which brings and evil stimulation and arousal to the perpetrators, how in their rape are the only ones engaging their sexuality.  

When I was between the ages of 2 and 4 I was also pre verbal. That mean not only could I not give consent to what was being done to my body, nor mentally and emotionally did I have a sense of what consent was, what sex was and what boundaries are, that I could not verbally express the experience nor did I have the cognitive ability to realize consciously what was being done to me. I experienced the abuse emotionally and physically but could not consciously express the abuse through thought and language.  This lead to cognitive dissonance as a child and repression through dissociation.  It also leads to nonverbal reliving of the abuse experience both as a child and as an adult re-living the abuse experience know as re-enactment at a non-verbal level is robotic – it occurs at uncontrollable times and without free will choice of the abused child.  Therapy coupled with anti-anxiety medicine benzodiazepines, which have a long history of use and effectiveness in combating anxiety are useful for the duration of therapy

So this is how it would work. Mom would call me into her room. I would e told to come into her bed, robotically I complied. She would be stripped naked and then she would strip me. It would always began with conversation because although compliant I was reluctant I would be warned that I would be killed in some heinous way abandoned or she would stop molesting me and pick my brother or sister. This type if warning invoked my protective nature of the smaller children as I was the eldest and felt it better for me to suffer the abuse than they.

After being stripped and coerced in to compliance by violent abusive talk I would be touched all over chest nipples genitals until whew s sufficiently aroused to go down on me or give me oral sex.
Inevitably after a period of this type of over tactile stimulation I would at first be titillated and then in pain, and then my father would come home and join us in bed. I would be told to do the same things to my father that my mother had been doing to me including rubbing his chest licking his nipples and giving him oral sex meaning taking his penis into his mouth.  It was more and more painful and repugnant for me as they became more and more aroused.

Eventually when they were done with me when they were sufficiently aroused. I would be dismissed to go back to my room, as my brother and sisters either lay in bed anxiously or scurried back into their beds as I climbed in to mine, hurt physically and mentally and exhausted.
The exhaustion helped the repression as did the cognitive dissonance of having to go to Catholic school next day, and act as if nothing had happened even though I was called by my parents a little whore who would go to hell.

This was the regular routine of my life during formative years and yet there was more rape and humiliation at the hands of others simultaneously from my mother and maternal grandparents during my life as a child in an incest ring.  

Copyright Fred Celio 2916

Other Blogs by Fred Celio
Childhood: Raped by My Parents

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Survive Childhood Sexual Abuse: The next step in 12 Step Cult Indoctrination After Rehab: Sexual Assault At Sober Living Environments or Clean and Sober living Homes

Survive Childhood Sexual Abuse: The next step in 12 Step Cult Indoctrination After Rehab: Sexual Assault At Sober Living Environments or Clean and Sober living Homes

Survive Childhood Sexual Abuse: The next step in 12 Step Cult Indoctrination After Rehab: Sexual Assault At Sober Living Environments or Clean and Sober living Homes

Survive Childhood Sexual Abuse: The next step in 12 Step Cult Indoctrination After Rehab: Sexual Assault At Sober Living Environments or Clean and Sober living Homes

The next step in 12 Step Cult Indoctrination After Rehab: Sexual Assault At Sober Living Environments or Clean and Sober living Homes

This story begins several years ago when I started staying or living in sober living environments SLEs. So It’s a combined story on the ineffectiveness of the dominant “treatment in the country aa or the 12 step cult religions and sexual assault. As a man one might think the old cliche that it is difficult for me to speak of sexual assault but the truth an d wrongs have never been difficult for me to speak about. It is only repression of the unspeakable       that stops me from speaking, and even that repression doesn’t keep me from knowing right from wrong and speaking from a place of righteousness and truth.  The truth is sex between non consenting individuals is wrong. It is violence and not sex at all for sex to be sex it must be consensual. People who don’t understand this don’t have a sex problem nor are they sick they are evil because they don’t know right from wrong.

I began staying in Sober Living Environments (SLEs) because I thought I was an alcoholic/addict and they were inexpensive. I bought into the 12 step cult religions value that sticking together promoted sobriety or staying clean etc. So I stayed in many when I could not afford a normal and safe place to live. I did not realize that in addition to other things SLEs serve to isolate those newly indoctrinated into the cult.  They are cult houses and are miniatures of the program the meetings themselves, with all the same issues as with the fellowship meetings, sexual assault is common as is abuse psychological emotional and verbal. All done to support the tearing down of the individual which is the beginning of the indoctrination process for any cult. Even though alcoholism/addiction are considered by many to be medical conditions and courts regularly assign people to the meetings and the SLEs; these are self-regulated, which means they are unregulated cult indoctrination habitats, usually the second step after initial rehab in the indoctrination process.

Safety is important to me because I am not an alcoholic or addict at all, in fact I don’t think that these things exist as the terms have not to this date been precisely defined. They certainly don’t apply to me and never have. I am an incest survivor since the age of 2 years sexually abused by all the adults ii my extended family. My mother, my father, my maternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother all molested me on a regular basis between the ages of 2 and 9. When I sought help for this 31 years ago, before I knew what had happened, what these people had done to me, I was looking for an assessment that I had be sexually abused that is, I sought help. I was not listened to or assessed, but was immediately indoctrinated into 12 step cult religion. I showed up for counseling because I was cheating on my wife did not know why, wanted to stop and could not. So, I sought help. I was assigned to a CADC whom I paid 60.00 a week for the privilege of telling me to go to AA.NA/SLAA meetings.   He was a Certified Alcohol and Drug counselor (CADC) and I had no idea why I was seeing him. He also had a PhD in micro biology, but for some reason did not have a job in his field, although the designation was prominently displayed on his shingle.  Why he was not working in his field, I do not know.

For some reason he was shamelessly promoting the 12 step cult religion and charging people to do it. Go to AA, go to AA, go to AA that is all he ever said. I was not given a chance to be heard or to be assessed as to what was going on with me and why I was there seeking help. These things were never addressed. I didn’t know what at a CADC was and he didn’t bother explaining his credentials. Eventually against my will, and in order to please him, to comply with his demands, I went to the NA meeting near San Jose City College and my indoctrination began. Right off the bat I was with lower companions, all of whom knew more than I did about the cult, and were all to happy to have fresh meat to indoctrinate.  I had no idea about what was going on in the meeting or the jargon, but fell for the faux friendship – the love bombing.  For an incest survivor love bombing feels exceedingly good, particularly from strangers, as relatives are automatically suspect and mistrusted by incest survivors. 

Fast forward it 20 years and I became habituated to seeking and staying in SLEs.

I was sexually assaulted at three different SLEs, but that didn’t keep me from seeking them out when I need a place to stay. There’s a conclusion to be drawn from this which is probably not the one you are jumping to at this moment.

The first assault occurred at D and A Detox in Sacramento. There was a woman who I later found out was a regular, who used to like to come in periodically to detox. She would give the male residents blow jobs in their sleep. I awakened to see her doing this. I repressed the memory immediately as a knee-jerk reaction because, well, after all 12 step detoxes are safe places.

The next time was in Pasadena a few years ago. I awakened from a day nap so I awakened more fully present.  I still don’t like sleeping during the day.  I awakened and this older man who just arrived was did ling my penis through my pants until I ejaculated. I awakened and was fully present as he was in the act, I got him immediately removed from the house to a more suitable group home.

The final time was recently Feb 28 of this year when I was awakened from my sleep during the night. About half awake and half asleep. That’s the way my original incest experiences occurred, so being awakened in this manner while being assaulted was familiar to me. My roommate Roger we were two to a room was in my bed sodomizing me as I awakened.  Still not fully awake, I pushed him off into his own bed and repressed the whole matter.

Connie House 2526 Connie Dr. Sacramento Ca 95815

The problem is I could not deny the rectal bleeding that occurred the next day and for weeks after. Nor could I deny the return of the memory after doing my next session of EMDR. Remembering repressed emotions and memories is extremely difficult and painful.  But after this session I had the complete memory of being sexually assaulted by Roger my roommate at Connie house on 2526 Connie Dr. Unit 3. The house is owned by  Mitch Davenport,  I went to the emergency room, actually I ended up there three times due to rectal bleeding, and I made a police report implicating Roger as my sexual assailant.

Another issue I noticed with Connie House is Mich's scam of renting beds at a full month's rent, and then finding some reason to dismiss resident after two weeks, and then re renting their bed again at the full monthly price plus security deposit, which is never returned, immediately. This is a pattern I observed living at Connie house for a few months. One poor resident whom Mich dismissed without cause blew his head off with a shot gun.  Mitch himself had the bad taste to show up at his funereal.

A friend has advised me to avoid staying at SLEs in the future.

This review is completely untrue.
There is no onsite manager. Mitch Davenport davenport takes a month's rent plus and then finds an excuse to lock residents out based on gossip without so much as a test. He then re-rents their bed the next day thus collecting two months worth or rent per bed per month, this is stdard procedure for Connie house and Mitch Davenport

Copyright Fred Celio 2016

Read More:
My Initial Incest Expereince
My Initial Incest Experience (Part 2)
A Cup of Coffee
Poem I Tiger
Poem: Angry Words
The Victim Mentality
Junita Ryan: Recovery From Childhood Trauma
Pay It Backwords

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Genuine Humanity and Healing

John 3:8New International Version (NIV)

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

I just get up in the morning and take it from there. I'm usually quite happy as long as im not hormonal or anxious. Its unrealistic to think you can be blissful all the time. That's just daft. But there are programs and some kinds of new age beliefs systems that promise this kind of stuff. Well it works well if that's your belief system and things are going good in your life but when life takes a turn these kinds of belief systems are disastrous because the person blames themselves.

I understand what you are saying and can empathize, although I always awaken with anxiety, even when things are going well, this is a product of my abuse/trauma experiences, which occurred at night and left me with no memory but the anxiety I the morning. I think that anxiety is an indicator of repression as is depression. I think though to be an authentic human being I must experience all emotions as the occur. I do not believe in negative emotions putting a value judgement on an emotion to me is like comparing a healthy redwood with a healthy eucalyptus. One may prefer one to the other; this preference may even change on different days , but the fact is they are and the can be appreciated. With emotions this is this time taken to appreciate the existence of a tree is called processing. While admiring a tree may be a luxury for some, processing emotions is a necessity of genuine humanity. Watching the waves of the sea is the best analogy I have found for describing the play of emotions within a human being. They are many and different and ebb and flow as they well they crest and valley as they will. To not notice this sea of emotions within us and react appropriately is to not be fully human. I think the goal of must new age religions, and I have found them to be mostly variations of Hinduism invite us to sea the ocean while ignoring the waves. Additionally, this is onr of the fundamental flaws of cognitive psychology v. constructivism. Pax Christi

Copyright Fred Celio 2016

More from Survive Childhood Sexual Abuse
Just Say No To The 12 Step Cult Religions
Raped By My Parents
Leave The Past In The Past

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Just say No to the 12 Step Cult Religions

I am convinced that deeper research will reveal that people drink to relive the trauma in order to understand the trauma.  Drinking actually blocks out the noise ie everything but the trauma. The noise needs to be blocked out so the trauma can be reenacted that is relived heard, felt, re-experienced.  When abuse occurs at the pre-verbal phase of childhood the reenactment is nonverbal and without cognition as with those who were raped before they had verbal ability and the ability to form cognitions of the abuse experiences.

The use of substances to drown the din of background noise – repression – is not limited to pre-verbal abuse survivors, but is also the reason post verbal survivors use drugs and alcohol. Even post verbal childhood rape victims will use repression techniques such as dissociation to relieve the cognitive dissonance the defines much of the abuse experience. War and hostage survivors may also use drugs and alcohol not to alleviate the pain of the trauma, but again to reduce the din of repression so that the pain can be felt can be remembered. Remember occurs trauma is when individuals experience emotions in a degree and intensity that is of the scale off the chart in terms of experiencing and processing in real time and even in terms of processing without the use of specific trauma technics such as EMDR or somatic healing etc.  One of the ways trauma survivors try to heal themselves is through the use of drugs and alcohol in a non-therapeutic environment. However far from easing the pain this allows the pain to be felt and re-experienced and to be processed It is a form of therapy and could be a reason why many simply grow out of this phase of their lives.

Substance use should not be construed here to mean problematic use nor excessive use or use of excessive amounts, to dull the din that clouds the ability of the mind to focus on the abusive/traumatic experience while relieving the repression mechanisms requires only a moderate use of substances.  Often times this moderate use produces reactions that appear to mimic what the ill-informed have come to associate with heavy or problematic use  in a no, which causes the survivors to be labeled with pejorative terms having social stigmas such as alcoholics or addicts. Nothing could be further from the truth nor more harmful to the healing of trauma survivors. The use of these terms produces shame which the survivor already carries heavy reservoir. Additionally, this causes the survivor to once again negate their own experience and be tracked and treated like alcoholics or addict’s in modern society.

After exhibiting such reliving of the abuse experience many survivors are labeled as alcoholics or addicts but are threatened or coerced into going into treatment or rehab that they have not requested against their denial. These rehabs tend to be based on the 12 step religious cult model predominately as over 90% of rehabs use this inappropriate model. While the ineffectiveness of the 12 step cult religions to deal with substances issues has been well documented in the scientific community in recent years, abuse/trauma survivors are particularly susceptible to the cult value of conformity, surrender of will and objectification through sponsorship and the false social hierarchy that develops in these cults based on clean or sober time. Remember for abuse/trauma survivors drinking and using is therapeutic allowing traumatic emotions to be processed. Because of this complete absence prompted by the 12 step religious cults is impossible and not therapeutic.  This holds true in particular for the pre-verbal trauma survivor who in addition to have built-up heavy fortresses of repression based completely on emotionally scaffolding available at the ages when the abuse occurred. They do not have the coexistence of cognitive abilities to help break through the repression understand the abuse and describe it. Cognition is not available to them for reliving and thus explain verbally and thoughtfully their experiences.  

Additionally, trauma survivors tend to be extremely vulnerable and sensitive and thus easy prey for cults of all kinds. The indoctrination technique practiced by the 12 step cult religions of approaching a survivor at their most vulnerable period and threaten them with death on the one hand if they don’t comply and join the cult, while promising love, care and attention on the other if they do comply and join the cult is merely the next stage in re-enactment or reliving the abuse experience for trauma survivors, that is, it offers the an opportunity to have their needs met if only the comply with the cult indoctrination formula. Even the most resilient of survivors will give in during these vulnerable times with very little persuasive and promotion from the cult indoctrinators.  Survivors at this low poin will do or say or comply with most anything in return for a little companionship and the promise of life long “acceptance.” Once having succumbed to the promotional pressure of the cult whether it be one on one two on one or particularly in a rehab situation where a survivor has already traded their freedom to have their needs met, survivors will jump in wholeheartedly. Some will actually trade freedom and healing for the cult religion particularly if they are part of the 4 – 5% who quit drinking and/or using. Many will not get clean and sober right away and will endure years, decades of emotional, verbal and sexual abuse to finally make it in the cult, being all the more committed to cult concepts and ashamed of themselves because it took them so long not so much to recover but to fit in and thus get IT.

Of course the absence of drinking and using without doing the painful work of remembering and absorbing the abuse will not heal the survivor will leave them minions, children of the cult believing that since their needs are met by the cult that they will survive, and mere survival is enough for a trauma victim.

I hope this short paper will illustrate the insidiousness of the 12 step cult religions that pose as drug and alcohol treatment in the Unties States, as well as reveal the sociability and suffering of some of the most innocent causalities of the war on drugs.  

Copyright Fred Celio 2016

Read More
Raped by My Parents
Systemic Abuse of Alcoholics Anonymous and Other 12 Step Cults
Stanford and Nero-biology
Pete Walker Phil Carnes and The Industry of Survivor Exploitation
The Garage Next Door

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Individual Sexual Abuse – Child Rape – by my mother and father My Formative Years.

After just a few sessions of EMDR and of course a lot of other work. I have been able to remember what I could not remember prior to EMDR and the support of the anti-anxiety drug Xanax. Without these dual aspects of therapy, I could not remember these things let alone tell their story.   
There is no way to ease into the description of such evil inhumanity, so hideous memories that cognitive dissonance would require their dissociation through repression for the organism to continue to exist.

Between the ages of 2 and 9 years, my mother on the occasions that suited her once a month once a week would carry me in from my room to hers. Our house was very small about 900 sq ft. so she did not have to carry me a long distance, and obviously my brothers and sisters knew what was going on, because soon it would be their turn weekly, monthly this interval has not crystalized fro me yet.
Once in her bed my mother would disrobe exposing her naked body to me. This would bring various levels of excitement to me depending on my age from a pure tactile stimulation. The feelings were flavored with a others of tenderness and love or a motherly love and closes ness between the ages from 2 and 4.  Between those ages there was no sexual arousal but feelings of love and closeness mixed with tactile sensations.  By the age of 5 to 9 particularly by age 9 I had become conditioned to associate these events with a nascent sexual arousal for, of all people, my mother.
So I would be taken into my mother’s bed at these ages 2 to 9, she being stimulated by the sight of a child. I really don’t understand this.  I kneeling in bed before her she nude and she stripping me nude no matter how old I was.

I remember at the youngest age of 2 rubbing up against her naked body and the tactile stimulation and the rubbing of my penis against her vagina. I came to associate with love and affection even though it was not love or affection at all. Whets was taking place for my mother was sexual arousal. I could see this by the maniacal look on her face. This was not love but lust stimulated by beholding a young child her own, although I became conditioned to see this objectification of myself as love, because it was the only affection and closeness that I received as a child.

The tactile stimulation itself was much like being tickled but tickled or tacitly stimulated beyond the point of pleasure and well into the realm of pain.

For the survivor this was not childhood sexual abuse; that phrase is from the perpetrators point of view.  It is a part of societies language or ontological perspective that must change if child rape is to stop. The perpetrators are the only ones being sexually aroused or stimulated.  The perpetrators, they are the only ones getting off sexually. As a victim as a child as a survivor, I was just and object to be used as long as she wanted in order to receive whatever thrill it was that she received. Sense I had not matured physically sexually I had no release from this torture there was no end to it for me just rape and pain.  It as if I were a human dildo with feelings.

This rape and pain with no release is another level of woundedness that I wish to run from. These emotions are stating now to be separated from the hideous and frightening emotions that I run from at I when I felt the full impact, hideousness and ugliness of being a sexually experienced child.
Remember being raped by my family, and this was not limited to my mother and father, started when I was pre-verbal – I could not speak or form cognitions in my mind of what was being done to me. 

 When the pre-verbal aspect is considered I the child was left with feelings of closeness love, sexual objectification, pleasing my family by allowing myself, and I thought I had control even though I did not, nut pleasing my family by letting the sexually objectify. “letting them” in fact I had no choice. And yet there was no expression of love, affection its associated emotions or cognitions just torture the torture of trauma and naked bodies and the illusion of self-worth by allowing myself to be sexually objectified.

Dad would often eventually come home and join us in the bed, mom ad I. At the ages to 2 through 4. I would be pinned between them with no means of struggle or escape forced to touch an tactily experience my father’s gentiles.  I would also be naked and pinned between their naked bodies rubbing against them in a hideous intractable tactile stimulation trapped with no escape  which I came to associate with love and affection even though it was only objectification.
Then the oddest thing happened with me as catalyst my parents would cast me aside and begin their own sexual activity between each other.  I was the object of their arousal, thus so that they could in engage in sex. This was my purpose for being born.

As I was left alone at their time I would borough under the blankets often ending at the foot of the bed or sliding off the side onto the floor so I could make my escape into my own room as they tangled in whatever it was that ignited their passion.

This went on weekly, monthly probably sometimes either weekly or monthly but certainly when the urge was upon them   

This was their show I was on an object to them a human dildo of sorts practiced and loved for stimulation but never experiencing human love of a child between mother and father.
As I got older I was used more and more as a participant literally and figuratively between my mother and father. The emotions associated with these sessions were very confusing, First I was pre-verbal so I could not cognate (think) what was going on I only experienced pure emotions. Secondly I was at an age where I had not developed clear boundaries, i.e., I did not know for sure where I began and ended and where my parents began and ended they were still a part or parts of me that were indistinguishable from myself. This is the self that I was supposed to be developing with their help. This is the function of parenthood to help the child develop a sense of self.  Finally, there were these emotions these tactile simulations love, were they affection? No. They were the objectification and the discounting and the blurring of that very self that it was their duty and my expectation for them to help me develop, nurture and grow.  

Complicating my developing sense of self was their own definition of my purpose as both object and catalyst for their sexual pleasure.  I existed to somehow stimulate being responsible for their sexual pleasure and being responsible for driving their own sexual arousal between each other to each other when I had no concept of sex as love or intercourse between a man and a woman as an expression of love.

There in my parents bed I experienced the emotions, tactile, feelings primitive cognition which formed my developing self and which I had to live with repressed through dissociation of the cognitive dissonance presented parents and lovers.  

Of course repression of any kind, for any reason is mental illness not mental health, anyone who attempts or succeeds in repressing emotions for any reason is practicing a form of mental illness whether this is sanctioned by a guru through meditation, an inspirational speaker through the power of positive thinking, bible thumpers who use scripture to negate the love of Christ and His human experience, and the cognitive psychologists themselves, who have come up with numerous methods of repression from CBT to the prescription of psychotropic drugs like SSRIs all designed to make the organism manageable and cover up the hideous truth of human evil that exists in our society – especially in the United states of America.

Copyright Fred Celio 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

Systemic Abuse of Alcholics Anonymous and the other 12 step Cult Religions: EMDR and Xanax as treatment for Incest, Childhood Sexual Abuse, and Trauma

I have generalized anxiety disorder with acute panic attacks that can occur for 9 to 14 days where I disappear watch pornography identify with the female role in porno which is very degrading to women, and have a very strong desire to be a shemale prostitute forever, even taking meth I cannot fulfill this . As I have healed in my childhood sexual abuse, which occurred between the ages of 2 and 9 (btw it was a Catholic priest Msg O'Brien at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Clovis, Ca who put a stop to the abuse, He is a genuine hero and I believe is representative of the vast majority of priests and not representative of this evil men who would go so far as to go to seminary and put on a collar just to gain access to children.   I have come to associate these disappearances which the program AA beat me over the head with as relapses for years decades really as re-enactment or reliving the abuse experience in order to understand an resolve it not as a drug relapse. . Well I have come to associate them with that wounded part of myself the sexually abused child the sexually experienced child, whom I hate and who I split from at age 10. 

Now split from means dissociated from through repression on a very deep level, remember I hate my wounded self I hate the feeling of being a sexually experienced child therefore I hate myself. so I pushed the wounded self inward as if he did not exist. To do this I formed a judgmental self this is he self that is operative most of the time and constantly criticizes me every second of everyday even going so far as to project criticism as if it is coming from others when in fact they have said or done nothing critical of me. Eventually what happens is after so much of this criticism 4 times a year once a month the wounded self would take the focus leave and seek love and affection the way he was conditioned to via being sexually objectified. two weeks later I would end up in an emergency room either with or without a limo ride from first responders terrified, because that is the end emotion of my sexual abuse. Now since my abuse started at 2 years which is pre-verbal the reliving, the re-enactment is also non verbal. It's thoughts  constant thoughts both trying to seek love by objectifying myself and trying to figure out why I feel like this. 

I would play out the abuse taking the parts in the pornography I was watching trying to understand what they did to me until those things that my abusers told me they would do to be if I talked came to the surface, and I running for safety would end up I an emergence room. First they attributed it to drugs but I learned upon coming to to ask for a psychological worker in the hospital so I could tell the reality of my story which has nothing to do with drugs they are merely a catalyst they make me feel like a sex object that wounded child a sex object. Now with the therapy I'm doing if I break a Xanax jn half and swallow it works really fast and the anxiety disappears I can see reality and process it for what it is can love my self and make it t the next therapy session. You hear in the rooms all the time. I'll get better, my life in the rooms my experience is that things progressively got worse. And I think that is the rule not the exception. You know that is pretty much my story the last 31 years in the rooms trying to figure this out while at the same time fitting in. It just doesn't work. AA is a nightmare that never ends until you break away no matter the pain and the urge to go back (that's cultism). Stay away from the 12 steps they are cult religion that includes all that use the 12 steps AA, NA ... XA and warn other people about this serious cult.

Copyright Fred Celio 2016