Sunday, April 17, 2016

The next step in 12 Step Cult Indoctrination After Rehab: Sexual Assault At Sober Living Environments or Clean and Sober living Homes

This story begins several years ago when I started staying or living in sober living environments SLEs. So It’s a combined story on the ineffectiveness of the dominant “treatment in the country aa or the 12 step cult religions and sexual assault. As a man one might think the old cliche that it is difficult for me to speak of sexual assault but the truth an d wrongs have never been difficult for me to speak about. It is only repression of the unspeakable       that stops me from speaking, and even that repression doesn’t keep me from knowing right from wrong and speaking from a place of righteousness and truth.  The truth is sex between non consenting individuals is wrong. It is violence and not sex at all for sex to be sex it must be consensual. People who don’t understand this don’t have a sex problem nor are they sick they are evil because they don’t know right from wrong.

I began staying in Sober Living Environments (SLEs) because I thought I was an alcoholic/addict and they were inexpensive. I bought into the 12 step cult religions value that sticking together promoted sobriety or staying clean etc. So I stayed in many when I could not afford a normal and safe place to live. I did not realize that in addition to other things SLEs serve to isolate those newly indoctrinated into the cult.  They are cult houses and are miniatures of the program the meetings themselves, with all the same issues as with the fellowship meetings, sexual assault is common as is abuse psychological emotional and verbal. All done to support the tearing down of the individual which is the beginning of the indoctrination process for any cult. Even though alcoholism/addiction are considered by many to be medical conditions and courts regularly assign people to the meetings and the SLEs; these are self-regulated, which means they are unregulated cult indoctrination habitats, usually the second step after initial rehab in the indoctrination process.

Safety is important to me because I am not an alcoholic or addict at all, in fact I don’t think that these things exist as the terms have not to this date been precisely defined. They certainly don’t apply to me and never have. I am an incest survivor since the age of 2 years sexually abused by all the adults ii my extended family. My mother, my father, my maternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother all molested me on a regular basis between the ages of 2 and 9. When I sought help for this 31 years ago, before I knew what had happened, what these people had done to me, I was looking for an assessment that I had be sexually abused that is, I sought help. I was not listened to or assessed, but was immediately indoctrinated into 12 step cult religion. I showed up for counseling because I was cheating on my wife did not know why, wanted to stop and could not. So, I sought help. I was assigned to a CADC whom I paid 60.00 a week for the privilege of telling me to go to AA.NA/SLAA meetings.   He was a Certified Alcohol and Drug counselor (CADC) and I had no idea why I was seeing him. He also had a PhD in micro biology, but for some reason did not have a job in his field, although the designation was prominently displayed on his shingle.  Why he was not working in his field, I do not know.

For some reason he was shamelessly promoting the 12 step cult religion and charging people to do it. Go to AA, go to AA, go to AA that is all he ever said. I was not given a chance to be heard or to be assessed as to what was going on with me and why I was there seeking help. These things were never addressed. I didn’t know what at a CADC was and he didn’t bother explaining his credentials. Eventually against my will, and in order to please him, to comply with his demands, I went to the NA meeting near San Jose City College and my indoctrination began. Right off the bat I was with lower companions, all of whom knew more than I did about the cult, and were all to happy to have fresh meat to indoctrinate.  I had no idea about what was going on in the meeting or the jargon, but fell for the faux friendship – the love bombing.  For an incest survivor love bombing feels exceedingly good, particularly from strangers, as relatives are automatically suspect and mistrusted by incest survivors. 

Fast forward it 20 years and I became habituated to seeking and staying in SLEs.

I was sexually assaulted at three different SLEs, but that didn’t keep me from seeking them out when I need a place to stay. There’s a conclusion to be drawn from this which is probably not the one you are jumping to at this moment.

The first assault occurred at D and A Detox in Sacramento. There was a woman who I later found out was a regular, who used to like to come in periodically to detox. She would give the male residents blow jobs in their sleep. I awakened to see her doing this. I repressed the memory immediately as a knee-jerk reaction because, well, after all 12 step detoxes are safe places.

The next time was in Pasadena a few years ago. I awakened from a day nap so I awakened more fully present.  I still don’t like sleeping during the day.  I awakened and this older man who just arrived was did ling my penis through my pants until I ejaculated. I awakened and was fully present as he was in the act, I got him immediately removed from the house to a more suitable group home.

The final time was recently Feb 28 of this year when I was awakened from my sleep during the night. About half awake and half asleep. That’s the way my original incest experiences occurred, so being awakened in this manner while being assaulted was familiar to me. My roommate Roger we were two to a room was in my bed sodomizing me as I awakened.  Still not fully awake, I pushed him off into his own bed and repressed the whole matter.

Connie House 2526 Connie Dr. Sacramento Ca 95815

The problem is I could not deny the rectal bleeding that occurred the next day and for weeks after. Nor could I deny the return of the memory after doing my next session of EMDR. Remembering repressed emotions and memories is extremely difficult and painful.  But after this session I had the complete memory of being sexually assaulted by Roger my roommate at Connie house on 2526 Connie Dr. Unit 3. The house is owned by  Mitch Davenport,  I went to the emergency room, actually I ended up there three times due to rectal bleeding, and I made a police report implicating Roger as my sexual assailant.

Another issue I noticed with Connie House is Mich's scam of renting beds at a full month's rent, and then finding some reason to dismiss resident after two weeks, and then re renting their bed again at the full monthly price plus security deposit, which is never returned, immediately. This is a pattern I observed living at Connie house for a few months. One poor resident whom Mich dismissed without cause blew his head off with a shot gun.  Mitch himself had the bad taste to show up at his funereal.

A friend has advised me to avoid staying at SLEs in the future.

This review is completely untrue.
There is no onsite manager. Mitch Davenport davenport takes a month's rent plus and then finds an excuse to lock residents out based on gossip without so much as a test. He then re-rents their bed the next day thus collecting two months worth or rent per bed per month, this is stdard procedure for Connie house and Mitch Davenport

Copyright Fred Celio 2016

Read More:
My Initial Incest Expereince
My Initial Incest Experience (Part 2)
A Cup of Coffee
Poem I Tiger
Poem: Angry Words
The Victim Mentality
Junita Ryan: Recovery From Childhood Trauma
Pay It Backwords

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