Sunday, May 19, 2013


Ego holds the seat of the self within.
 It is our very essence.
It is that which is in us and given us by God. Our very essence our very self is expressed within the ego.
Vulnerability is an aspect of self
The ego is contained within the self. The ego the very essence of self is the seat of hopes, dreams, aspiration, potential – it is what the self wants and is capable of,
containing capabilities and the drive to achieve those capabilities. 
It is the self’s fondest desires.  
While the ego may distort reality for a time due to vulnerability, the fragile nature of the ego. This distortion is born of abuse -- begotten by it. The distortion protects the ego. It protects the small vulnerable emerging self from realities that are more than harsh, but terrifying, confusing and hideous.  Too much for the emerging self and ego of childhood to endure.
While reality is distorted for it's protection the ego continues to grow and be nurtured by the self via a mysterious mechanism designed by God that defies science. The vulnerability the protection the distortion of reality allows this growth to continue. The growth itself continues, but the distortion fed by intense and depth of feeling can be invoked by incidents, and other protective mechanisms designed to protect the emerging ego when in fact it does not need the protective mechanisms. This phenomenon is an aspect of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, it is a symptom of the syndrome. Additionally, that which remains hidden is struggling to emerge into the consciousness of self and be acknowledged. This can also produce a distortion of reality.
There are those who would reduce these machinations to mere chemistry. A chemistry which they do not yet understand, and yet tout as reality.  But how it works is not understood. To thus tout what they do not understand, those who believe such things distort reality and their own egos.
Ego is often associated with false pride essential to this is a lack of humility in it's full sense of the word. Both the reduction of the ego to the ephemeral and the expansion of the ego as the king of the material realm. One example of this is the history of psychiatry. Now they prescribe "medicine" designed to quite and indeed sequester the ego of others so that they may profit and so that they and us will not be disturbed by the reality of cause.  They prescribe "medicine" the actual effects of which they do not understand, yet they ascribe their ability to "heal" a metaphor for this quietness to the most complex and fine chemical and electrical interactions which they are light years away from truly understanding and which are themselves -- the chemical and electrical interactions -- as unique as the God given egos. This tendency to aggrandizement and profiteering by supposed healers, itself a distortion of the ego, leads to atrocities -- abuse. The most recent examples of which are giving high powered amphetamines to children because of their over active minds and imaginations (ADHD) -- to keep them quite. So as not to disturb whatever it is that goes on in our classrooms these days that is metaphorically called education. They also prescribe anti-depressants that cause those who take them to actually be more depressed and commit suicide. They have advanced in their profiteering techniques from drilling holes in peoples skulls to let out the evil spirits, electro shock therapy and lobotomies (because after all they were convinced they knew just how the brain worked organically).
So now they prescribe "medicine" that they don't understand, ascribe their effects to elector chemistry that they don't understand and profit from
This is the false pride
this distortion of reality that many attribute to the word "ego."
As the history of societies has always been to wage war on the unique, the creative, the individual.
Then there are the "free" ism fellowships that also wage war on the ego in it's true sense. They attribute to the ego a pejorative context that is associated with false pride that is not at all inherent, but this false pride is itself a distortion of self.  The same type of distortion that inhibits the flowering of the ego into self-actualization the self actualization that is the happiness for which the ego was created.  This false pride who’s purpose is to deny the ego of others is itself  the very lack of humility that is said to be the problem. False pride both aggrandizes the ego and inhibits it.  In conjunction with pop-psychology, which supports them, these free “ism” fellowships wage war on the self, the ego, the survivor, and provide aid and comfort to perpetrators who’s singleness of purpose is to destroy the self and egos of others.
 But all of the above are the distortions of the ego to cover for vulnerability which through their pride they deny.  As they (and they here means any and all perpetrators and any and all persons, principles or institutions that support them by denying the flowering of the ego) attempt to smash in favor of conformity the ego -- the seat of individualism, the essence of self, hopes aspirations, dreams, and creativity. This is the essence of the false ego the very thing that they say  is evil and wrong and prideful.
For a survivor to buy into to this without seeing through it is defeat. It is the victory of the perpetrators. It is this very ego that the perpetrators attempted to destroy. But they will not succeed. For within the ego is also determination and the will of self-expression. The very perseverance that shouts "no, I will not sit down, I will not shut up, I will not listen to this drivel and not call it drivel.  I will not provide a safe haven for perpetrators.  I will not go quietly.  I exist.  I am true. I am genuine. I am unique. I think therefore I am.  I am determined to remember, to speak, to be heard, and to heal!
This is the ego unfettered and it is given by God and it is good. And you will not kill it with your distortion of reality.  Pax Christi.
yada yada yada Melody Beatie.  Robin Norwood all over the place.  F*** 'em

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