Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Underpants King

The underpants king
On his  thrown in the living room
Dressed in regal attire
No shirt no shoes no tie no robe
Underpants is all
And amphetamines
Or excuse me
Diet pills
He is fat
the underpants king

Asleep or awake in his hours off of work
Not gambling
He reclines in full view of his cowering subjects
in fear
of him
or the view
or both

at his feet, eyes forward sitting on the floor
eyes forward on the tv
paralyzed by fear of his regal highness
his demeanor and attire
they stare eyes forward on the tv not moving not even talking among themselves
the underpants king must not be disturbed they are there for his pleasure speak when spoken to and jump when beckoned
to serve.

The king reclines in underpants
Day and night
The queen
sits in the sowing chair
Sowing needles stuck like spikes really They stick up out of the wood the fabric of the arm worn away. In mom attire. The chair a makeshift iron maiden symbolic of the  reality of the horror that is reality in the realm of the underpants king of her power as she really rules the subjects and the underpants king. she rules and what is going on in the homemade iron maiden sewing chair filled with needles spikes dangerous for children who are not there

No no children here they are outside inside are subjects objects toys living furniture for the amusement of the queen and servants for the underpants king.

The king yawns and farts and bellows orders for his subjects he commands pillows, popcorn, and tv the moment he arrives and dons the royal underpants.

And don’t forget the remote control, Freddy the TV remote objectified thus to react to the singals called out from the underpants king.
He reacts as if a well discipline physical object faster than a laser remote and he gets it right every time or he is reminded that he is a failure as far as his purpose to be the remote control for TV.

No please no thank you and no objection. The child objectified into a human remote control for the kings pleasure asleep or awake the TV dominates -- "Life" defines life is like. That window into the real world and out of escape from the unreal reality the realm of the underpants king.

No life is recognizable no friends dare enter just queen and subjects cowering and the underpants king. No doorbell rings no one enters or leaves nothing disturbs the kingdom of the underpants king.
How many times has his royal garment slipped I do not know I do not remember at this time but it seems that it must have, for this was not a period nor anomaly it was life for the underpants king his queen and their object subjects. Life outside was a play a charade it was what was expected of you as  I a subject which I am.I am fredy the remote control, Pprky is substitute,Suzie the popcorn princess and then the blonde who did not fit in at all yet was an object a subject and I am sure of this. She was a part of the kingdom just as we all were even though she was blond.
When food is served stay out the way no matter how small you stature no matter if you were the blond object. for if you come between the king and his pleasure you will be shoved aside objectified again as standing between the underpants king and his desire which is not for you. Only to be seen and fed  and recreated only to be served and fed and bed whatever goes on here.
Do not think do not feel no children here subjects only eyes forward do not deign to look directly  at the underpants king. For what would you see but he  who  thinks he is king sitting in his underpants day and night day in and day out it is  the same in the realm of the underpants king
No children here. only objects, subjects of the king and queen innocent hostages no abuse here abuse requires human beings none to be found in the realm of the underpants king
And the feelings terror and dissociation. Yes dissociation the absence emotion the absence the suppression the amnesia the well the spacing out the flat affects the blank stairs
Can no one see
 that we were trained for to better serve the true supreme the iron maiden the queen reigning from her iron maiden remember her in the back almost out of the scene she is only in charge when he leaves is this true or was there some joint event perpetrated on the subjects currently out of view.
This was a joint event.
I think it thus
The scene is set
The underpants king reigns
Reclining at thrown
 keeping the subjects
 in line
 lined up
I swear
It is
All true
The subjects trained by the underpants king in terror and dissociation and paralization and putting on a show for the outside world
And when he leaves er ah
There she is
Her reign
And the children objectified for sex her sexual pleasure
Captured as Auschwitz
And kept alive for
The sex of the queen
And yet these two the underpants king and his queen united and must have gained some sick pleasure and arousal from the whole dynamic the whole seen is the dungeon of these two the children were born to be subjects objectified for them and trained to project an image of respectability outside the door as if surrounded by a moot on one side the kingdom on  the other side reality and yet the reverse is true and we knew it
Reality was the kingdom the underpants king ruled and fantasy was outside both how we projected and what we yearned for
But tv was our only escape the only family were the other perpetrates down the street we captured in this concentration camp world this realm of the underpants king and his queen and we called it childhood

I hate this place and all who suck air here. My sensibility my intellect my rebellion my chronicling of every moment suffered in this realm even hate the other innocents in the realm of the underpants king.
Because they are there doing nothing saying nothing
Because they remind me
But I am getting over that
They are children here
But no more
And yet
They support the lie
Who told you to think to feel to exist except as subjects in the realm of the underpants king and as objects in the realm of the iron maiden and her torture chair seeking her sick pleasures among the subjects when the king is away in what he thinks is his lair.
Maybe he knows exactly what goes on here when he is away
This sick and twisted existence is as Dacahu  this concentration camp as I changed the channel in my act of individuation to watch the world war ii documentaries I love to watch with the stories of Dachu,  Salaspils , Bergen-Belsen ,  Ohrdruf, and Auschwitz was I making the connection as the underpants king slept snoring for long enough for me to watch wwii documentaries even Hitler he admires as he stirs he commands me to change the channel back not even this intellectual escape my only pleasure world war ii documentaries only this in the bits while he did not stir and command me to change the channel as the human remote control object to serve the underpants king’s desires and the iron maiden queens desires when he was out of lair.
Was I making the connection with Auschwitz
I think so
Was I trying to get him to see
Escape through amnesia and escape through world war ii documentaries the great escape. The sickness of home bade not so bad be a child’s sensibilities a desire to please to live to thrive makes it not so bad and yet it was even worse than words can do justice. No God here God was out there in here was profound evil.
Escape for a few hours
To school or
Who knows where
You can leave the realm but it does not leave you
And the return nothing new in the realm of
The underpants king.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Fred. Very moving.
    Annie M. from California
